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Resilience Programme
Founded in 2022
Y+ Youth Services provides a range of projects to enrich young lives. Click below to find out more
My Mental Health
Week 1

The most complicated relationship we will ever have is with ourself. You can’t turn your back from you, you can’t walk away from you, and you can’t take a break from you. We’ll explore simple positive habits that help your mental wellbeing both now, and in the future.
My Friends & Family
Week 4

As young people grow and develop personally and physically, friendships, bonds and relationships are build, and can sometimes evolve, change or come to an end. As we grow as individuals, we often have to check in with ourselves to ensure we are surrounded by people who provide us with positivity, support and love. In life we meet three types of people - they are a window, a mirror or a door, and sometimes we have to get better from others bitterness. Sometimes the message we need to learn from is more important than the messenger. In this module, we’ll explore our relationships with others, how to recognise the people who reflect your potential and help you move forward, and discuss how surrounding ourselves with the right people can help us talk more openly, get support when needed, and that we can support others around us.
My Social Media
Week 2

Use of the internet is part of young peoples (and all our) lives. Socialising, learning, playing and exploring are all now done virtually to a greater or lesser degree and the majority of young people take this for granted as part of their everyday life. Continual access to the internet and to mobile communication has undoubtedly brought a significant amount of freedom and opportunities to young people’s lives, but can also be a challenging and often damaging place for young people to spend time. In this topic we’ll explore how we can protect ourselves from negative and harmful content from the internet, how to ensure we don’t create ‘online ghosts’, and how to ensure we remember to get off the phone and out in the real world.
My health & wellbeing
Week 5

Mental health and physical health are are completely linked to each other. Finding the people, activities, hobbies and simple moments in life that bring us joy, peace and connection can positively affect our mental health. Sometimes we just need to focus on the everyday things we do (or don’t do), learn how to be present in the moment, and take joy and gratitude from the small things. And if that’s a challenge, we'll learn how to improve our ability to do so. In this session we explore how we can eat, sleep and play our way to living our best, most productive, life.
My Self Image
Week 3

Young people can struggle with confidence and self image. Bombarded with messages online and on television with messages about who/what they ‘should’ be, it can lead to an internal struggle for young people to understand who they truly are, or want to be. This session explores how to use tools and techniques to develop and improve self image through understanding, and possibly challenging, your thoughts and beliefs, how to be kind to yourself, and how to control and regulate negative emotions.
My future
Week 6

Almost half of people (49%) aged 16 to 25 felt daily anxiety about the future, while 59% described their generation's outlook as “frightening". Reflecting on our past experience can help us understand our present and future, and avoid repeating mistakes, and also help us to know how we can be resilient - we learn from our experiences, both good and bad. But looking back too much on our past can postpone our own potential, pushing back our progress, and can stop us from living in the present and planning for a positive future. As young people look forward, they need to explore the things that are important to them - moving away from the material and focusing on their own and others physical and mental wellbeing. This session helps young people explore goal setting, utilising the things they’ve experienced in the past and where they want to be in the future, and if they’re worried about the future, we’ll show young people how to use strategies to lessen worry time, acknowledge their feelings, and learn to live in the moment.